Visual Basic .NET is the next generation of Visual Basic, but it is also a significant departure from previous generations. Experienced Visual Basic 6 developers will feel comfortable with Visual Basic .NET code and will recognize most of its constructs. However, Microsoft has made some changes to make Visual Basic .NET a better language and an equal player in the .NET world. These include such additions as a Class keyword for defining classes and an Inherits keyword for  bject inheritance, among others. Visual Basic 6 code can't be compiled by the Visual Basic .NET compiler without significant modification.The good news is that Microsoft has provided a migration tool to handle the task (mostly, anyway)

With its release for the .NET platform, the Visual Basic language has undergone dramatic changes.

  • The language itself is now fully object-oriented.
  • Applications and components written in Visual Basic .NET have full access to the .NET Framework, an extensive class library that provides system and application services.
  • All applications developed using Visual Basic .NET run within a managed runtime environment, the .NET common language runtime. 

Source Files
Visual Basic .NET source code is saved in files with a .vb extension. The exception to this rule is when Visual Basic .NET code is embedded in ASP.NET web page files. Such files have an .aspx extension.

Identifiers are names given to namespaces , types (enumerations, structures, classes, standard modules, interfaces, and delegates), type members (methods, constructors, events, constants, fields, and properties), and variables. Identifiers must begin with either an alphabetic or underscore character ( _ ), may be of any length, and after the first character must consist of only alphanumeric and underscore characters. Namespace declarations may be declared either with identifiers or qualified identifiers. Qualified identifiers consist of two or more identifiers connected with the dot character ( . ). Only namespace declarations may use qualified identifiers. 

Keywords are words with special meaning in a programming language. In Visual Basic .NET, keywords are reserved; that is, they cannot be used as tokens for such purposes as naming variables and subroutines

Keyword  Description 
AddHandler  Visual Basic .NET Statement 
AddressOf  Visual Basic .NET Statement 
Alias  Used in the Declare statement 
And  Boolean operator 
AndAlso  Boolean operator 
Ansi  Used in the Declare statement 
Append  Used as a symbolic constant in the FileOpen function  
As  Used in variable declaration (Dim, Friend, etc.)  
Assembly  Assembly-level attribute specifier 
Auto  Used in the Declare statement 
Binary  Used in the Option Compare statement  
Boolean  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
ByRef  Used in argument lists 
Byte  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
ByVal  Used in argument lists 
Call  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Case  Used in the Select Case construct  
Catch  Visual Basic .NET statement 
CBool  Data-conversion function 
CByte  Data-conversion function 
CChar  Data-conversion function 
CDate  Data-conversion function 
CDec  Data-conversion function 
CDbl  Data-conversion function 
Char  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
CInt  Data-conversion function 
Class  Visual Basic .NET statement 
CLng  Data-conversion function 
CObj  Data-conversion function 
Compare  Used in the Option Compare statement  
CShort  Data-conversion function 
CSng  Data-conversion function 
CStr  Data-conversion function 
CType  Data-conversion function 
Date  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Decimal  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Declare  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Default  Used in the Property statement 
Delegate  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Dim  Variable declaration statement 
Do  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Double  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Each  Used in the For Each...Next construct 
Else  Used in the If...Else...ElseIf...End If construct  
ElseIf  Used in the If...Else...ElseIf...End If construct  
End  Used to terminate a variety of statements 
EndIf  Used in the If...Else...ElseIf...End If construct  
Enum  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Erase  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Error  Used in the Error and On Error compatibility statements  
Event  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Explicit  Used in the Option Explicit statement  
False  Boolean literal 
For  Used in the For...Next and For Each...Next constructs  
Finally  Visual Basic .NET statement 
For  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Friend  Statement and access modifier 
Function  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Get  Used in the Property construct 
GetType  Visual Basic .NET operator 
GoTo  Visual Basic .NET statement, used with the On Error statement  
Handles  Defines an event handler in a procedure declaration 
If  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Implements  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Imports  Visual Basic .NET statement 
In  Used in the For Each...Next construct 
Inherits  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Input  Used in the FileOpen function 
Integer  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Interface  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Is  Object comparison operator 
Let  Reserved but unused in Visual Basic .NET 
Lib  Used in the Declare statement 
Like  Visual Basic .NET operator 
Lock  Function name 
Long  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Loop  Used in a Do loop 
Me  Statement referring to the current object instance 
Mid  String-manipulation statement and function 
Mod  Visual Basic .NET operator 
Module  Visual Basic .NET statement 
MustInherit  Used in the Class construct 
MustOverride  Used in the Sub and Function statements  
MyBase  Statement referring to an object's base class 
MyClass  Statement referring to the current object instance 
Namespace  Visual Basic .NET statement 
New  Object-creation keyword, constructor name 
Next  Used in the For...Next and For Each...Next constructs  
Not  Visual Basic .NET operator 
Nothing  Used to clear an object reference 
NotInheritable  Used in the Class construct 
NotOverridable  Used in the Sub, Property, and Function statements  
Object  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Off  Used in Option statements 
On  Used in Option statements 
Option  Used in Option statements 
Optional  Used in the Declare, Function, Property, and Sub statements  
Or  Boolean operator 
OrElse  Boolean operator 
Output  Used in the FileOpen function 
Overloads  Used in the Sub and Function statements  
Overridable  Used in the Sub and Function statements  
Overrides  Used in the Sub, Property, and Function statements  
ParamArray  Used in the Declare, Function, Property, and Sub statements  
Preserve  Used with the ReDim statement 
Private  Statement and access modifier 
Property  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Protected  Statement and access modifier 
Public  Statement and access modifier 
RaiseEvent  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Random  Used in the FileOpen function 
Read  Used in the FileOpen function 
ReadOnly  Used in the Property statement 
ReDim  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Rem  Visual Basic .NET statement 
RemoveHandler  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Resume  Used in the On Error and Resume statements  
Return  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Seek  File-access statement and function 
Select  Used in the Select Case construct  
Set  Used in the Property statement 
Shadows  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Shared  Used in the Sub and Function statements  
Short  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Single  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Static  Variable declaration statement 
Step  Used in the For...Next construct 
Stop  Visual Basic .NET statement 
String  Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type) 
Structure  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Sub  Visual Basic .NET statement 
SyncLock  Visual Basic .NET statement 
Text  Used in the Option Compare statement  
Then  Used in the If...Then...Else...EndIf construct 
Throw  Visual Basic .NET statement 
To  Used in the For...Next and Select Case constructs  
True  Boolean literal 
Try  Visual Basic .NET statement 
TypeOf  Used in variations of the If...Then...EndIf construct  
Unicode  Used in the Declare statement 
Until  Used in the For...Next construct 
Variant  Reserved but unused in Visual Basic .NET 
When  Used with the Try...Catch...Finally construct 
While  Used with the Do...Loop and While...End While constructs  
With  Visual Basic .NET statement 
WithEvents  Used in variable declaration (Dim, Public, etc.)  
WriteOnly  Used in the Property statement 
XOr  Visual Basic .NET operator  


Literals are representations of values within the text of a program. For example, in the following line of code, 10 is a literal, but x and y are not:  

x = y * 10 

Literals have data types just as variables do. The 10 in this code fragment is interpreted by the compiler as type Integer because it is an integer that falls within the range of the Integer type.  

  • Numeric Literals 

Any integer literal that is within the range of the Integer type (-2147483648 through 2147483647) is interpreted as type Integer, even if the value is small enough to be interpreted as type Byte or Short. Integer literals that are outside the Integer range but are within the range of the Long type (-
9223372036854775808 through 9223372036854775807) are interpreted as type Long. Integer literals outside the Long range cause a compile-time error.  

Numeric literals can also be of one of the floating point types—Single, Double, and Decimal. For example, in this line of code, 3.14 is a literal of type Double:  

z = y * 3.14 

In the absence of an explicit indication of type (discussed shortly), Visual Basic .NET interprets floating point literals as type Double. If the literal is outside the range of the Double type (-

1.7976931348623157E308 through 1.7976931348623157E308), a compile-time error occurs.  

  • String Literals 

Literals of type String consist of characters enclosed within quotation-mark characters. For example, in the following line of code, "hello, world" is a literal of type String

Console.WriteLine("hello, world") 

  • Character Literals 

Visual Basic .NET's Char type represents a single character. This is not the same as a one-character string; Strings and Chars are distinct types. Literals of type Char consist of a single character enclosed within quotation-mark characters, followed by the character c. For example, in the following code, "A"c is a literal of type Char:  

Dim MyChar As Char 

MyChar = "A"c 

  • Character Literals 

Visual Basic .NET's Char type represents a single character. This is not the same as a one-character string; Strings and Chars are distinct types. Literals of type Char consist of a single character enclosed within quotation-mark characters, followed by the character c. For example, in the following code, "A"c is a literal of type Char:  

Dim MyChar As Char 

MyChar = "A"c 

  • Date Literals 
Literals of type Date are formed by enclosing a date/time string within number-sign characters. For example:  ]

Dim MyDate As Date 
MyDate = #11/15/2001 3:00:00 PM# 

  • Boolean Literals 
The keywords True and False are the only Boolean literals. They represent the true and false Boolean states, respectively (of course!). For example:  

Dim MyBoolean As Boolean 
MyBoolean = True 

  • Nothing 
There is one literal that has no type: the keyword Nothing. Nothing is a special symbol that represents an uninitialized value of any type. It can be assigned to any variable and passed in any parameter. When used in place of a reference type, it represents a reference that does not reference any object. When used in place of a value type, it represents an empty value of that type. For numeric types, this is 0 or 0.0. For the String type, this is the empty string (""). For the Boolean type, this is False. For the Char type, this is the Unicode character that has a numeric code of 0. For programmer-defined value types, Nothing represents an instance of the type that has been created but has not been assigned a value.  

  • Summary of Literal Formats 
Data type

 True, False

Dim bFlag As Boolean = False

Dim chVal As Char = "X"C
# #
Dim datMillen As
Date = #01/01/2001#
Dim decValue As Decimal = 6.14D
Any floating point number, or R
Dim dblValue As Double = 6.142
Dim dblValue As
Double = 6.142R
An integral value in the range of type Integer (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647), or I 
Dim iValue As Integer = 362
Dim iValue As
Integer = 362I
Dim iValue As
Integer = &H16AI
Dim iValue As
Integer = &O552I
An integral value outside the range of type Integer (-
9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to -2,147,483,649, or
2,147,483,648 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807), or L 
Dim lValue As Long = 362L
Dim lValue As Long = &H16AL (hexadecimal)
Dim lValue As Long =
&O552L (octal)
Dim shValue As Short = 362S
Dim shValue As Short = &H16AS (hexadecimal)
Dim shValue As Short
= &O552S (octal)
Dim sngValue As Single = 6.142F
" "
Dim strValue As String = "This is a string"

Types in Visual Basic .NET are divided into two categories: value types and reference types. Value types minimize memory overhead and maximize speed of access, but they lack some features of a fully object-oriented design (such as inheritance). Reference types give full access to object-oriented features, but they impose some memory and speed overhead for managing and accessing objects. When a variable holds a value type, the data itself is stored in the variable. When a variable holds a reference type, a reference to the data (also known as a pointer) is stored in the variable, and the data itself is stored somewhere else. Visual Basic .NET's primitive types include both value types and reference types (see "Fundamental Types" in this section). For extending the type system, Visual Basic .NET provides syntax for defining both new value types and new reference types (see "Custom Types" later in this section)

  • Fundamental Types

Visual Basic .NET has several built-in types. Each of these types is an alias for a type supplied by the .NET architecture. Because Visual Basic .NET types are equivalent to the corresponding underlying .NET-supplied types, there are no type-compatibility issues when passing arguments to components developed in other languages. In code, it makes no difference to the compiler whether types are specified using the keyword name for the type or using the underlying .NET type name. For example, the test in this code fragment succeeds: 
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As System.Int32
If x.GetType() Is y.GetType(  ) Then
   Console.WriteLine("They're the same type!")
   Console.WriteLine("They're not the same type.") End If
The fundamental Visual Basic .NET types are:
The Boolean type is limited to two values: True and False. Visual Basic .NET includes many logical operators that result in a Boolean type. For example:  
Public Shared Sub MySub(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
   Dim b As Boolean = x > y
   ' other code
End Sub ' MySub
The result of the greater-than operator (>) is of type Boolean. The variable b is assigned the value True if the value in x is greater than the value in y and False if it is not. The underlying .NET type is System.Boolean. 
The Byte type can hold a range of integers from 0 through 255. It represents the values that can be held in eight bits of data. The underlying .NET type is System.Byte. 
The Char type can hold any Unicode[1] character. The Char data type is new to Visual Basic .NET. The underlying .NET type is System.Char. 

The Date type holds values that specify dates and times. The range of values is from midnight on January 1, 0001 (0001-01-01T00:00:00) through 1 second before midnight on December 31, 9999 (9999-12-31T23:59:59). The Date type contains many members for accessing, comparing, and manipulating dates and times. The underlying .NET type is System.DateTime. 
The Decimal type holds decimal numbers with a precision of 28 significant decimal digits. Its purpose is to represent and manipulate decimal numbers without the rounding errors of the Single and Double types. The Decimal type replaces Visual Basic 6's Currency type. The underlying .NET type is System.Decimal. 
The Double type holds a 64-bit value that conforms to IEEE standard 754 for binary floating point arithmetic. The Double type holds floating point numbers in the range -
1.7976931348623157E308 through 1.7976931348623157E308. The smallest nonnegative number (other than zero) that can be held in a Double is 4.94065645841247E-324. The underlying .NET type is System.Double. 
The Integer type holds integers in the range -2147483648 through 2147483647. The Visual Basic .NET Integer data type corresponds to the VB 6 Long data type. The underlying .NET type is System.Int32. 
The Long type holds integers in the range -9223372036854775808 through 9223372036854775807. In Visual Basic .NET, Long is a 64-bit integer data type. The underlying .NET type is System.Int64. 
The Object type is the base type from which all other types are derived. The Visual Basic .NET Object data type replaces the Variant in VB 6 as the universal data type. The underlying .NET type is System.Object. 
The Short type holds integers in the range -32768 through 32767. The Short data type corresponds to the VB 6 Integer data type. The underlying .NET type is System.Int16. 
The Single type holds a 32-bit value that conforms to IEEE standard 754 for binary floating point arithmetic. The Single type holds floating point numbers in the range -3.40282347E38 through 3.40282347E38. The smallest nonnegative number (other than zero) that can be held in a Double is 1.401298E-45. The underlying .NET type is System.Single. 
The String type holds a sequence of Unicode characters. The underlying .NET type is System.String. 
Of the fundamental types, Boolean, Byte, Char, Date, Decimal, Double, Integer, Long, Short, and Single (that is, all of them except Object and String) are value types. Object and String are reference types.  

  • Custom Types

Visual Basic .NET provides rich syntax for extending the type system. Programmers can define both new value types and new reference types. Types declared with Visual Basic .NET's Structure and
Enum statements are value types, as are all .NET Framework types that derive from
System.ValueType. Reference types include Object, String, all types declared with Visual Basic .NET's Class, Interface, and Delegate statements, and all .NET Framework types that don't derive from System.ValueType.  

Array declarations in Visual Basic .NET are similar to those in Visual Basic 6 and other languages. For example, here is a declaration of an Integer array that has five elements: 
Dim a(4) As Integer
The literal 4 in this declaration specifies the upper bound of the array. All arrays in Visual Basic .NET have a lower bound of 0, so this is a declaration of an array with five elements, having indexes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. 
The previous declaration is of a variable named a, which is of type "array of Integer." Array types implicitly inherit from the .NET Framework's Array type (defined in the System namespace) and, therefore, have access to the methods defined in that type. For example, the following code displays
the lower and upper bounds of an array by calling the Array class's GetLowerBound and GetUpperBound methods: 
Dim a(4) As Integer

Console.WriteLine("LowerBound is " & a.GetLowerBound(0).ToString(  ))
Console.WriteLine("UpperBound is " & a.GetUpperBound(0).ToString(  ))
The output is:
LowerBound is 0
UpperBound is 4
Note that the upper bound of the array is dynamic: it can be changed by methods available in the Array type. 
Array elements are initialized to the default value of the element type. A type's default value is determined as follows: 
       For numeric types, the default value is 0.
       For the Boolean type, the default value is False.
       For the Char type, the default value is the character whose Unicode value is 0
       For structure types (described later in this chapter), the default value is an instance of the structure type with all of its fields set to their default values. 
       For enumeration types (described later in this chapter), the default value is an instance of the enumeration type with its internal representation set to 0, which may or may not correspond to a legal value in the enumeration. 
       For reference types (including String), the default value is Nothing
You can access array elements by suffixing the array name with the index of the desired element enclosed in parentheses, as shown here: 
For i = 0 To 4
Arrays can be multidimensional. Commas separate the dimensions of the array when used in declarations and when accessing elements. Here is the declaration of a three-dimensional array, where each dimension has a different size: 
Dim a(5, 10, 15) As Integer
As with single-dimensional arrays, array elements are initialized to their default values

  • Initializing arrays

Arrays of primitive types can be initialized by enclosing the initial values in curly brackets ({}). For example: 
Dim a(  ) As String = {"First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"}
Notice that when arrays are initialized in this manner, the array declaration is not permitted to specify an explicit size. The compiler infers the size from the number of elements in the initializer. 
To initialize multidimensional arrays, include the appropriate number of commas in the array-name declaration and use nested curly brackets in the initializer. Here is a declaration of a two-dimensional array having three rows and two columns: 
Dim a(,) As Integer = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}}
This declaration produces the following array:
a(0,0)=1   a(0,1)=2 a(1,0)=3   a(1,1)=4 a(2,0)=5   a(2,1)=6
When initializing multidimensional arrays, the innermost curly brackets correspond to the rightmost dimension

  • Dynamically allocating arrays  

Use the New keyword to allocate arrays of any type. For example, this code creates an array of five Integers and initializes the elements as shown: 
Dim a(  ) As Integer
a = New Integer(4) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
If the array elements won't be initialized by the allocation, it is still necessary to include the curly brackets: 
Dim a(  ) As Integer
' allocates an uninitialized array of five Integers a = New Integer(5) {}
Curly brackets are required so the compiler won't confuse the array syntax with constructor syntax. 
Note also the meaning of this declaration by itself:
Dim a(  ) As Integer
This is the declaration of a reference that could point to a single-dimensional array of Integers, but doesn't yet. Its initial value is Nothing.  

A collection is any type that exposes the ICollection interface (defined in the System.Collections namespace). (Interfaces are explained later in this chapter. Briefly, an interface is an agreement in which the type will expose certain methods, properties, and other members. By exposing the ICollection interface, a type ensures that it can be used anywhere a collection is expected.) In general, collections store multiple values and provide a way for iterating through those values. Specialized collection types may also provide other means for adding and reading values. For example, the Stack type (defined in the System.Collections namespace) provides methods, such as Push and Pop, for performing operations that are appropriate for the stack data structure

Type Conversions
Visual Basic .NET provides a variety of ways for values of one type to be converted to values of another type. There are two main categories of conversions: widening conversions and narrowing conversions. Widening conversions are conversions in which there is no possibility for data loss or incorrect results. For example, converting a value of type Integer to a value of type Long is a widening conversion because the Long type can accommodate every possible value of the Integer type. Narrowing is the reverse operation—converting from a Long to an Integer—because some values of type Long can't be represented as values of type Integer. 
Visual Basic .NET performs widening conversions automatically whenever necessary. For example, a widening conversion occurs in the second line of the following code. The Integer value on the righthand side of the assignment is automatically converted to a Long value so it can be stored in the variable b: 
Dim a As Integer = 5 Dim b As Long = a
A conversion that happens automatically is called an implicit conversion. 
Now consider the reverse situation:
Dim a As Long = 5
Dim b As Integer = a
The second line of code here attempts to perform an implicit narrowing conversion. Whether the compiler permits this line of code depends on the value set for the Option Strict compiler option. When Option Strict is On, attempts to perform an implicit widening conversion result in a compiler error. When Option Strict is Off, the compiler automatically adds code behind the scenes to perform the conversion. At runtime, if the actual value being converted is out of the range that can be represented by the target type, a runtime exception occurs. 
Option Strict can be set in either of two ways. First, it can be set in code at the top of a source file, like this: 
Option Strict On ' ...
Option Strict Off ' ...
The other way is to set a compiler switch, which affects all source files in the application. If you're compiling from the command line, specify /optionstrict+ on the command line to set Option Strict On. Specify /optionstrict- to set Option Strict Off. For example: 
vbc MySource.vb /optionstrict+
To set Option Strict in Visual Studio .NET: 
1.     Right-click on the project name in the Solution Explorer window and choose Properties. This brings up the Project Property Pages dialog box. (If the Solution Explorer window is not visible, choose ViewSolution Explorer from the Visual Studio .NET main menu to make it appear.) 
2.     Within the Project Property Pages dialog box, choose the Common Properties folder. Within that folder, choose the Build property page. This causes the project-build options to appear on the right side of the dialog box. 
3.     Set the desired value for the Option Strict option. 
By default, Option Strict is Off, meaning that implicit narrowing conversions are allowed. This matches the default setting of Visual Basic 6. However, most experienced developers consider it beneficial to set Option Strict On so the compiler can help detect coding errors before they become runtime errors. Attempting to assign a Long to an Integer, for example, is usually a sign either that something was mistyped or that there is a problem with the design of the program. Setting Option Strict On helps the developer discover such errors at compile time. On the other hand, there may sometimes be a legitimate need to perform a narrowing conversion. Perhaps the application is interfacing to another application that passes a value as a Long, but it is guaranteed that the actual value passed will never be outside the range of the Integer type. Option Strict could be set to Off to allow implicit narrowing conversions, but a better alternative is to have Option Strict On (so it can protect the majority of the program) and to specify an explicit narrowing conversion. For example: 
Dim a As Long = 5
Dim b As Integer = CInt(a)
This is known as an explicit conversion because the programmer is explicitly requesting a conversion to Integer. If at runtime a contains a value that is outside the Integer range, an exception is thrown. 

Conversion function
Converts its argument to
A Boolean
A Byte
A Char
A Date
A Double
A Decimal
An Integer
A Long
An Object
A Single
A String

The functions shown in  all take a single argument. If the argument can't be converted to the given type, an exception is thrown. Note the following: 
       When converting from any numeric value to Boolean, zero converts to False and nonzero converts to True
       When converting from Boolean to a numeric value, False converts to 0 and True converts to -1
       When converting from String to Boolean, the string must contain either the word "false", which converts to False, or the word "true", which converts to True. The case of the string is not important. 
       When converting from Boolean to String, True converts to "True" and False converts to "False"
       Anything can be converted to type Object.
It's also possible to convert between reference types. Any object-reference conversion of a derived type to a base type is considered a widening conversion and can therefore be done implicitly. Conversely, conversion from a base type to a derived type is a narrowing conversion. As previously discussed, in order for narrowing conversions to compile, either Option Strict must be Off or an explicit conversion must be performed. Explicit conversions of reference types are done with the CType function. The CType function takes two arguments. The first is a reference to some object, and the second is the name of the type to which the reference will convert. At runtime, if a conversion is possible, the return value of the function is an object reference of the appropriate type. If no conversion is possible, an exception is thrown.  


Thousands of types are defined in the .NET Framework. In addition, programmers can define new types for use in their programs. With so many types, name clashes are inevitable. To prevent name clashes, types are considered to reside inside of namespaces. Often, this fact can be ignored. For example, in Visual Basic .NET a class may be defined like this: 
Public Class SomeClass
   ' ...
End Class
This class definition might be in a class library used by third-party customers, or it might be in the same file or the same project as the client code. The client code that uses this class might look something like this: 
Dim x As New SomeClass(  )
x.DoSomething(  )
Now consider what happens if the third-party customer also purchases another vendor's class library, which also exposes a SomeClass class. The Visual Basic .NET compiler can't know which definition of SomeClass will be used. The client must therefore use the full name of the type, also known as its fully qualified name . Code that needs to use both types might look something like this: 
' The namespace is "FooBarCorp.SuperFoo2100". Dim x As New FooBarCorp.SuperFoo2100.SomeClass(  )
x.DoSomething(  )
' ...
' The namespace is "MegaBiz.ProductivityTools.WizardMaster". Dim y As New MegaBiz.ProductivityTools.WizardMaster.SomeClass(  )
y.DoSomethingElse(  )
Note that a namespace name can itself contain periods (.). When looking at a fully qualified type name, everything prior to the final period is the namespace name. The name after the final period is the type name. 
Microsoft recommends that namespaces be named according to the format CompanyName.TechnologyName. For example, "Microsoft.VisualBasic".  

Symbolic Constants

Consider this function: 
Public Shared Function RemainingCarbonMass( _
   ByVal InitialMass As Double, _
   ByVal Years As Long _
) As Double
   Return InitialMass * ((0.5 ^ (Years / 5730))) End Function
What's wrong with this code? One problem is readability. What does it mean to divide Years by 5730? In this code, 5730 is referred to as a magic number -- one whose meaning is not readily evident from examining the code. The following changes correct this problem: 
Public Const CarbonHalfLifeInYears As Double = 5730

Public Shared Function RemainingCarbonMass( _
   ByVal InitialMass As Double, _
   ByVal Years As Long _
) As Double
   Return InitialMass * ((0.5 ^ (Years / CarbonHalfLifeInYears))) End Function
There is now no ambiguity about the meaning of the divisor.
Another problem with the first code fragment is that a program filled with such code is hard to maintain. What if the programmer later discovers that the half-life of carbon is closer to 5730.1 years, and she wants to make the program more accurate? If this number is used in many places throughout the program, it must be changed in every case. The risk is high of missing a case or of changing a number that shouldn't be changed. With the second code fragment, the number needs to be changed in only one place. 


A variable is an identifier that is declared in a method and that stands for a value within that method. Its value is allowed to change within the method. Each variable is of a particular type, and that type is indicated in the declaration of the variable. For example, this line declares a variable named i whose type is Integer: 
Dim i As Integer
The keyword Dim indicates a variable declaration. Dim is short for dimension and dates back to the original days of the BASIC programming language in the late 1960s. In that language, variables were not declared; they were just used where needed (except for arrays). Because of how arrays were laid out in memory, the BASIC language interpreter had to be told of the dimensions of an array before the array was used. This was the purpose of the Dim statement. In later years, when declaration of all variables was agreed upon to be a good thing, the use of the Dim statement was broadened to include all variable declarations. 
Variable identifiers may be suffixed with type characters that serve to indicate the variable's type. For example, this line declares a variable of type Integer: 
Dim x%
The effect is precisely the same as for this declaration:
Dim x As Integer

Data type

Type character

Dim decValue@ = 132.24

Dim dblValue# = .0000001327

Dim iCount% = 100

Dim lLimit& = 1000000

Dim sngValue! = 3.1417

Dim strInput$ = ""


Scope refers to the so-called visibility of identifiers within source code. That is, given a particular identifier declaration, the scope of the identifier determines where it is legal to reference that identifier in code. For example, these two functions each declare a variable CoffeeBreaks. Each declaration is invisible to the code in the other method. The scope of each variable is the method in which it is declared. 
Public Sub MyFirstMethod(  )    Dim CoffeeBreaks As Integer
   ' ...
End Sub
Public Sub MySecondMethod(  )    Dim CoffeeBreaks As Long
   ' ...
End Sub
Unlike previous versions of Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET has block scope. Variables declared within a set of statements ending with End, Loop, or Next are local to that block. For example: 
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 100
   Dim j As Integer
   For j = 1 To 100
      ' ...
' j is not visible here
Visual Basic .NET doesn't permit the same variable name to be declared at both the method level and the block level. Further, the life of the block-level variable is equal to the life of the method. This means that if the block is re-entered, the variable may contain an old value 

Access Modifiers

Access modifiers control the accessibility of types (including enumerations, structures, classes, standard modules, and delegates) and type members (including methods, constructors, events, constants, fields [data members], and properties) to other program elements. They are part of the declarations of types and type members. In the following code fragment, for example, the keywords Public and Private are access modifiers: 
Public Class SomeClass
   Public Sub DoSomething(  )
      ' ...
   End Sub
   Private Sub InternalHelperSub(  )
      ' ...
   End Sub
End Class
Access modifier
Defines a type that is accessible only from within the program in which it is declared. 
Defines a type that is accessible only from within the context in which it is declared. For instance, a Private variable declared within a class module is accessible only from within that class module. A Private class is accessible only from classes within which it is nested. 
Applies to class members only. Defines a type that is accessible only from within its own class or from a derived class. 
Protected Friend
Defines a type that is accessible from within the program in which it is declared as well as from derived classes. 
Defines a type that is publicly accessible. For example, a public method of a class can be accessed from any program that instantiates that class. 


In Visual Basic .NET, assignment statements are of the form: 
variable,  field, or  property =  expression
Either the type of the expression must be the same as that of the item receiving the assignment, or there must exist an appropriate implicit or explicit conversion from the type of the expression to the type of the item receiving the assignment. For information on implicit and explicit conversions, see  earlier in this chapter. 
When an assignment is made to a value type, the value of the expression is copied to the target. In contrast, when an assignment is made to a reference type, a reference to the value is stored in the target. This is an important distinction that is worth understanding well. 

Operators and Expressions

Operators are symbols (characters or keywords) that specify operations to be performed on one or two operands (or arguments). Operators that take one operand are called unary operators. Operators that take two operands are called binary operators. Unary operators use prefix notation, meaning that the operator precedes the operand (e.g., -5). Binary operators (except for one case) use infix notation, meaning that the operator is between the operands (e.g., 1 + 2). The TypeOf...Is operator is a binary operator that uses a special form that is neither prefix nor infix notation

  • Unary Operators

Visual Basic supports the following unary operators: 
+ (unary plus) 
The unary plus operator takes any numeric operand. It's not of much practical use because the value of the operation is equal to the value of the operand. 
- (unary minus) 
The unary minus operator takes any numeric operand (except as noted later). The value of the operation is the negative of the value of the operand. In other words, the result is calculated by subtracting the operand from zero. If the operand type is Short, Integer, or Long, and the value of the operand is the maximum negative value for that type, then applying the unary minus operator will cause a System.OverflowException error, as in the following code fragment: 
Dim sh As Short = -32768
Dim i As Integer = -sh
Not (logical negation) 
The logical negation operator takes a Boolean operand. The result is the logical negation of the operand. That is, if the operand is False, the result of the operation is True, and vice versa. 
The AddressOf operator returns a reference to a method. Two different kinds of references can be obtained, depending on the context in which the operator is used: 
       When the AddressOf operator is used within the argument list of a call to a method, which is made available via the Declare statement, it returns a function pointer that is suitable for such calls. 
       When the AddressOf operator is used in any other context, a delegate object is returned.   

  • Arithmetic Operators

The arithmetic operators perform the standard arithmetic operations on numeric values. The arithmetic operators supported by Visual Basic .NET are: 
* (multiplication) 
The multiplication operator is defined for all numeric operands. The result is the product of the operands. 
/ (regular division) 
The regular division operator is defined for all numeric operands. The result is the value of the first operand divided by the second operand. 
\ (integer division) 
The integer division operator is defined for integer operands (Byte, Short, Integer, and Long). The result is the value of the first operand divided by the second operand, then rounded to the integer nearest to zero. 
Mod (modulo) 
The modulo operator is defined for integer operands (Byte, Short, Integer, and Long). The result is the remainder after the integer division of the operands. 
^ (exponentiation) 
The exponentiation operator is defined for operands of type Double. Operands of other numeric types are converted to type Double before the result is calculated. The result is the value of the first operand raised to the power of the second operand.  + (addition) 
The addition operator is defined for all numeric operands and operands of an enumerated type. The result is the sum of the operands. For enumerated types, the sum is calculated on the underlying type, but the return type is the enumerated type. See the discussion of enumerated types in the "Enumerations" section later in this chapter for more information on the types that can underlie an enumerated type. See also  later in this section. 
- (subtraction) 
The subtraction operator is defined for all numeric operands and operands of an enumerated type. The result is the value of the first operand minus the second operand. For enumerated types, the subtraction is calculated on the underlying type, but the return type is the enumerated type. See the discussion of enumerated types in  later in this chapter for more information on the types that can underlie an enumerated type

  • Relational Operators

The relational operators all perform some comparison between two operands and return a Boolean value indicating whether the operands satisfy the comparison. The relational operators supported by Visual Basic .NET are: 
= (equality) 
The equality operator is defined for all primitive value types and all reference types. For primitive value types and for the String type, the result is True if the values of the operands are equal; False if not. For reference types other than String, the result is True if the references refer to the same object; False if not. If the operands are of type Object and they reference primitive value types, value comparison is performed rather than reference comparison. 
<> (inequality) 
The inequality operator is defined for all primitive value types and for reference types. For primitive value types and for the String type, the result is True if the values of the operands are not equal; False if equal. For reference types other than String, the result is True if the references refer to different objects; False if they refer to the same object. If the operands are of type Object and they reference primitive value types, value comparison is performed rather than reference comparison. 
< (less than) 
The less-than operator is defined for all numeric operands and operands of an enumerated type. The result is True if the first operand is less than the second; False if not. For enumerated types, the comparison is performed on the underlying type. 
> (greater than) 
The greater-than operator is defined for all numeric operands and operands that are of an enumerated type. The result is True if the first operand is greater than the second; False if not. For enumerated types, the comparison is performed on the underlying type. 
<= (less than or equal to) 
The less-than-or-equal-to operator is defined for all numeric operands and operands of an enumerated type. The result is True if the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand; False if not. 
>= (greater than or equal to) 
The greater-than-or-equal-to operator is defined for all numeric operands and operands of an enumerated type. The result is True if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand; False if not. 
The TypeOf...Is operator is defined to take a reference as its first parameter and the name of a type as its second parameter. The result is True if the reference refers to an object that is type-compatible with the given type-name; False if the reference is Nothing or if it refers to an object that is not type-compatible with the given type name. 
Use the TypeOf...Is operator to determine whether a given object: 
       Is an instance of a given class
       Is an instance of a class that is derived from a given class
       Exposes a given interface
In any of these cases, the TypeOf expression returns True
The Is operator is defined for all reference types. The result is True if the references refer to the same object; False if not. 
The Like operator is defined only for operands of type String. The result is True if the first operand matches the pattern given in the second operand; False if not. 
The rules for matching are:
       The ? (question mark) character matches any single character. 
       The * (asterisk) character matches zero or more characters. 
       The # (number sign) character matches any single digit. 
       A sequence of characters within [] (square brackets) matches any single character in the sequence. 
Within such a bracketed list, two characters separated by a - (hyphen) signify a range of Unicode characters, starting with the first character and ending with the second character. A - character itself can be matched by placing it at the beginning or end of the bracketed sequence. 
Preceding the sequence of characters with an ! (exclamation mark) character matches any single character that does not appear in the sequence. 
       The ?, *, #, and [ characters can be matched by placing them within [] in the pattern string. Consequently, they cannot be used in their wildcard sense within []
       The ] character does not need to be escaped to be explicitly matched. However, it can't be used within [].  

  • String-Concatenation Operators

The & (ampersand) and + (plus) characters signify string concatenation. String concatenation is defined for operands of type String only. The result is a string that consists of the characters from the first operand followed by the characters from the second operand

  • Bitwise Operators

It is sometimes necessary to manipulate the individual bits that make up a value of one of the integer types (Byte, Short, Integer, and Long). This is the purpose of the bitwise operators. They are defined for the four integer types and for enumerated types. When the bitwise operators are applied to enumerated types, the operation is done on the underlying type, but the result is of the enumerated type. 
The bitwise operators work by applying the given Boolean operation to each of the corresponding bits in the two operands. For example, consider this expression: 
37 And 148
To calculate the value of this expression, consider the binary representation of each operand. It's helpful to write one above the other so that the bit columns line up: 
00100101  (37)
10010100  (148)
Next, apply the Boolean And operation to the bits in each column: 
       00100101  (37)
And 10010100  (148)
       00000100  (4)
37 And 148, therefore, equals 4. 
The bitwise operators are:
Performs a Boolean And operation on the bits. (The result bit is 1 if and only if both of the source bits are 1.) 
The result is True if and only if both the operands are True; otherwise, the result is False. AndAlso performs logical short-circuiting: if the first operand of the expression is False, the second operand is not evaluated. 
Performs a Boolean Or operation on the bits. (The result bit is 1 if either or both of the source bits are 1.) 
The result is True if either or both the operands is True; otherwise, the result is False. OrElse performs logical short-circuiting: if the first operand of the expression is True, the second operand is not evaluated. 
Performs a Boolean exclusive or operation on the bits. (The result bit is 1 if either of the source bits is 1, but not both.) 
Performs a Boolean Not operation on the bits in the operand. This is a unary operator. (The result is 1 if the source bit is 0 and 0 if the source bit is 1.) 

  • Logical Operators

Logical operators are operators that require Boolean operands. They are: 
The result is True if and only if both of the operands are True; otherwise, the result is False. 
The result is True if either or both of the operands is True; otherwise, the result is False. 
The result is True if one and only one of the operands is True; otherwise, the result is False. 
This is a unary operator. The result is True if the operand is False; False if the operand is True.

  • Operator Precedence

Operator precedence defines the order in which operators are evaluated. For example, the expression 1 + 2 * 3 has the value 9 if the addition is performed first but has the value 7 if the multiplication is performed first. To avoid such ambiguity, languages must define the order in which operations are evaluated. Visual Basic .NET divides the operators into groups and defines each group's precedence relative to the others. Operators in higher-precedence groups are evaluated before operators in lowerprecedence groups. Operators within each group have the same precedence relative to each other. When an expression contains multiple operators from a single group, those operators are evaluated from left to right.

Arithmetic and

Multiplication and division
Integer division
Modulus arithmetic
Addition and subtraction, string concatenation (+)
String concatenation (&)
Comparison operators
Equality, inequality, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, Is, TypeOf, Like 
Logical and bitwise operators
Negation (Not)
Conjunction (And, AndAlso)
Disjunction (Or, OrElse, Xor) 
Parentheses override the default order of evaluation. For example, in the expression 1 + 2 * 3, the multiplication is performed before the addition, yielding a value of 7. To perform the addition first, the expression can be rewritten as (1 + 2) * 3, yielding a result of 9. 
  • Operator Overloading

Operator overloading is a feature that some languages (C#, for example) provide to allow developers to specify how the built-in operators (+, -, *, /, =, etc.) should behave when applied to programmerdefined types. For example, the developer of a type representing complex numbers could use operator overloading to specify appropriate functionality for the built-in arithmetic operators when applied to operands of the custom type. 
The .NET Framework supports operator overloading, but .NET languages are not required to do so. The current version of Visual Basic .NET doesn't support operator overloading, although there's no reason that Microsoft couldn't add it in the future. Components that are written in other languages may overload operators, but Visual Basic .NET will not be aware of the overloads. Well-designed components provide an alternative mechanism for accessing the functionality provided by the overloads. For example, if a component written in C# provides a class that overloads the + operator, it should also provide a method that takes two parameters and returns their sum. Thus, what would be written as: 
c = a + b
in a language that supports overloading would be written as:
c = MyCustomType.Add(a, b)
in Visual Basic .NET.
The name of the actual method would depend on the component's implementer.  


Visual Basic .NET is a line-oriented language, in which line breaks generally indicate the ends of statements. However, there are times when a programmer may wish to extend a statement over several lines or have more than one statement on a single line. 
To extend a statement over several lines, use the line-continuation character, an underscore (_). It must be the last character on its line, and it must be immediately preceded by a space character.
Lines connected in this way become a single logical line. Here is an example: 
Dim strSql As String = "SELECT Customers.CompanyName," _
   & " COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS OrderCount" _
   & " FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders" _
   & " ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID" _
   & " GROUP BY Customers.CompanyName" _    & " ORDER BY OrderCount DESC"
A line break can occur only where whitespace is allowed.
To place two or more statements on a single line, use the colon (:) between the statements, like this: 
i = 5 : j = 10

  • Option Statements

There are three Option statements, which affect the behavior of the compiler. If used, they must appear before any declarations in the same source file. They control the compilation of the source code in the file in which they appear. They are: 
Option Compare  
The Option Compare statement controls the manner in which strings are compared to each other. The syntax is: 
Option Compare [ Binary | Text ]
If Binary is specified, strings are compared based on their internal binary representation (i.e., string comparisons are case-sensitive). If Text is specified, strings are compared based on case-insensitive alphabetical order. The default is Binary
Option Explicit  
The Option Explicit statement determines whether the compiler requires all variables to be explicitly declared. The syntax is: 
Option Explicit [ On | Off ]
If On is specified, the compiler requires all variables to be declared. If Off is specified, the compiler considers a variable's use to be an implicit declaration. It is considered good programming practice to require declaration of variables. The default is On
Option Strict  
The Option Strict statement controls the implicit type conversions that the compiler will allow. The syntax is: 
Option Strict [ On | Off ]
If On is specified, the compiler only allows implicit widening conversions; narrowing conversions must be explicit. If Off is specified, the compiler allows implicit narrowing conversions as well. This could result in runtime exceptions not foreseen by the developer. It is considered good programming practice to require strict type checking. The default is Off

  • Branching Statements

Visual Basic .NET supports a number of branching statements that interrupt the sequential flow of program execution and instead allow it to jump from one portion of a program to another. These can be either conditional statements (such as If or Select Case) or unconditional (such as Call and Exit). 

  • Call

The Call statement invokes a subroutine or function. For example: 
Call SomeMethod(  )
When the invoked subroutine or function finishes, execution continues with the statement following the Call statement. If a function is invoked, the function's return value is discarded. 
The Call statement is redundant because subroutines and functions can be invoked simply by naming them: 
SomeMethod(  )

  • Exit

The Exit statement causes execution to exit the block in which the Exit statement appears. It is generally used to prematurely break out of a loop or procedure when some unusual condition occurs. 
The Exit statement should be avoided when possible because it undermines the structure of the block in which it appears. For example, the exit conditions of a For loop should be immediately apparent simply by looking at the For statement. It should not be necessary to read through the entire loop to determine if there are additional circumstances under which the loop might exit. If a given For loop truly needs an Exit statement, investigate whether a different loop construct would be better suited to the task. If a given procedure truly needs an Exit statement, investigate whether the procedure is factored appropriately. 
The Exit statement has a different form for each type of block in which it can be used, as listed here: 
Exit Do  
Exits a Do loop. Execution continues with the first statement following the Loop statement. 
Exit For  
Exits a For loop. Execution continues with the first statement following the Next statement. 
Exit Function  
Exits a function. Execution continues with the first statement following the statement that called the function. 
Exit Property  
Exits a property get or property set procedure. Execution continues with the first statement following the statement that invoked the property get or property set procedure. 
Exit Sub  
Exits a subroutine. Execution continues with the first statement following the statement that called the subroutine. 
Exit Try  
Exits the Try clause of a Try block. If the Try block has a Finally clause, execution continues with the first statement in the Finally clause. If the Try block does not have a Finally clause, execution continues with the first statement following the Try block.  

  • Goto

The Goto statement transfers execution to the first statement following the specified label. For example: 
   ' ...
   Goto MyLabel
   ' ...
   ' ...
The label must be in the same procedure as the Goto statement. 
The Goto statement is generally avoided in structured programming because it often leads to code that is difficult to read and debug. 

  • If

The If statement controls whether a block of code is executed based on some condition. The simplest form of the If statement is: 
If expression Then    statements End If
expression is any expression that can be interpreted as a Boolean value. If expression is True, the statements within the If block are executed. If expression is False, those statements are skipped. 
To provide an alternative set of statements to execute when expression is False, add an Else clause, as shown here: 
If expression Then    statements Else    statements
End If
If expression is True, only the statements in the If clause are executed. If expression is False, only the statements in the Else clause are executed. 
Finally, a sequence of expressions can be evaluated by including one or more ElseIf clauses, as shown here: 
If expression Then    statements ElseIf expression Then    statements ElseIf expression Then    statements Else    statements End If
The first If or ElseIf clause whose expression evaluates to True will have its statements executed. Statements in subsequent ElseIf clauses will not be executed, even if their corresponding expressions are also True. If none of the expressions evaluate to True, the statements in the Else clause will be executed. The Else clause can be omitted if desired.  

  • If

The If statement controls whether a block of code is executed based on some condition. The simplest form of the If statement is: 
If expression Then    statements End If
expression is any expression that can be interpreted as a Boolean value. If expression is True, the statements within the If block are executed. If expression is False, those statements are skipped. 
To provide an alternative set of statements to execute when expression is False, add an Else clause, as shown here: 
If expression Then    statements Else    statements
End If
If expression is True, only the statements in the If clause are executed. If expression is False, only the statements in the Else clause are executed. 
Finally, a sequence of expressions can be evaluated by including one or more ElseIf clauses, as shown here: 
If expression Then    statements ElseIf expression Then    statements ElseIf expression Then    statements Else    statements End If
The first If or ElseIf clause whose expression evaluates to True will have its statements executed. Statements in subsequent ElseIf clauses will not be executed, even if their corresponding expressions are also True. If none of the expressions evaluate to True, the statements in the Else clause will be executed. The Else clause can be omitted if desired.  

  • RaiseEvent

The RaiseEvent statement fires the given event. After the event has been fired to all listeners, execution continues with the first statement following the RaiseEvent statement. See Section 2.20 later in this chapter for more information. 

  • Return

The Return statement exits a function and provides a return value to the caller of the function. Execution continues with the first statement following the statement that called the function. Here is an example: 
Public Shared Function MyFactorial(ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
   Dim retval As Integer = 1
   Dim i As Integer    For i = 2 To value       retval *= i    Next
   Return retval
End Function
Another way to return a value to the caller of the function is to assign the value to the function name and then simply drop out of the bottom of the function. This is how it was done in Visual Basic 6 (and can still be done in Visual Basic .NET). Here is an example: 
Public Shared Function MyFactorial(ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
   Dim retval As Integer = 1
   Dim i As Integer    For i = 2 To value       retval *= i
   MyFactorial = retval
End Function

  • Select Case

The Select Case statement chooses a block of statements to execute based on some value. For example: 
Select Case strColor    Case "red"
      ' ...
   Case "green"
      ' ...
   Case "blue"
      ' ...
   Case "yellow"
      ' ...
   Case Else
      ' ...
End Select
If strColor in this example contains "blue", only the statements in the Case "blue" clause are executed. If none of the Case clauses matches the value in the Select Case statement, the statements in the Case Else clause are executed. If more than one Case clause matches the given value, only the statements in the first matching Case clause are executed. 
Case statements can include multiple values to be matched against the value given in the Select Case statement. For example: 
Case "red", "green", "blue", strSomeColor
This case will be matched if the value in the Select Case statement is "red", "green", "blue", or the value contained in strSomeColor. The To keyword can be used to match a range of values, as shown here: 
Case "apples" To "oranges"
This Case statement matches any string value that falls alphabetically within this range. 
The Is keyword can be used for matching an open-ended range: 
Case Is > "oranges"
Don't confuse this use of the Is keyword with the Is comparison operator.  

Iteration Statements
Iteration statements, also known as looping statements, allow a group of statements to be executed more than once. The group of statements is known as the body of the loop. Three statements fall under this category in Visual Basic .NET: Do, For, and For Each

  • Do

The Do loop executes a block of statements either until a condition becomes true or while a condition remains true. The condition can be tested at the beginning or at the end of each iteration. If the test is performed at the end of each iteration, the block of statements is guaranteed to execute at least once. The Do loop can also be written without any conditions, in which case it executes repeatedly until and unless an Exit Do statement is executed within the body of the loop. Here are some examples of Do loops: 
Do While i < 10
   ' ...

Do Until i >= 10
   ' ...

   ' ...
Loop While i < 10

   ' ...
Loop Until i >= 10

   ' ... Loop

  • For

The For loop executes a block of statements a specified number of times. The number of iterations is controlled by a loop variable, which is initialized to a certain value by the For statement, then is incremented for each iteration of the loop. The statements in the body of the loop are repeatedly executed until the loop variable exceeds a given upper bound. 
The syntax of the For loop is:
For variable = expression To expression [ Step expression ]    statements Next [ variable_list ]
The loop variable can be of any numeric type. The variable is set equal to the value of the first expression before entering the first iteration of the loop body. Prior to executing each iteration of the loop, the loop variable is compared with the value of the second expression. If the value of the loop variable is greater than the expression (or less than the expression if the step expression is negative), the loop exits and execution continues with the first statement following the Next statement. 
The step expression is a numeric value that is added to the loop variable between loop iterations. If the Step clause is omitted, the step expression is taken to be 1. 
The Next statement marks the end of the loop body. The Next keyword can either appear by itself in the statement or be followed by the name of the loop variable. If For statements are nested, a single Next statement can terminate the bodies of multiple loops. For example: 
For i = 1 To 10
   For j = 1 To 10
      For k = 1 To 10
         ' ... Next k, j, I
This code is equivalent to the following:
For i = 1 To 10
   For j = 1 To 10       For k = 1 To 10
         ' ...
   Next Next
I recommend the latter style, since it is considered more structured to terminate each block explicitly. 
It is interesting to note that the For loop is equivalent to the following Do loop construction (assuming that step_expression is nonnegative): 
loop_variable = from_expression Do While loop_variable <= to_expression    statements
   loop_variable += step_expression Loop
If step_expression is negative, the For loop is equivalent to this (only the comparison in the Do statement is different): 
loop_variable = from_expression Do While loop_variable >= to_expression    statements
   loop_variable += step_expression Loop

  • For Each

The For Each statement is similar to the For statement, except that the loop variable need not be numeric, and successive iterations do not increment the loop variable. Instead, the loop variable takes successive values from a collection of values. Here is the syntax: 
For Each variable In expression    statements Next [ variable ]
The loop variable can be of any type. The expression must be a reference to an object that exposes the IEnumerable interface (interfaces are discussed later in this chapter). Generally, types that are considered collections expose this interface. The .NET Framework class library provides several useful collection types, which are listed in Chapter 3. (See Section 2.5.4 earlier in this chapter for an explanation of what constitutes a collection type.) The type of the items in the collection must be compatible with the type of the loop variable. The statements in the body of the loop execute once for each item in the collection. During each iteration, the loop variable is set equal to each consecutive item in the collection. 
Because all Visual Basic .NET arrays expose the IEnumerable interface, the For Each statement can be used to iterate through the elements of an array. For example: 
Dim a(  ) As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Dim b As Integer
For Each b In a
   Console.WriteLine(b) Next
This is equivalent to the following code:
Dim a(  ) As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Dim b As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = a.GetLowerBound(0) To a.GetUpperBound(0)    b = a(i)
Because all arrays in Visual Basic .NET implicitly derive from the Array type (in the System namespace), the a array in this example has access to methods defined on the Array type (specifically GetLowerBound and GetUpperBound). 
In case you're interested, here is the equivalent code using a Do loop. This is essentially what the For Each statement is doing under the covers, although the For Each construct is likely to compile to faster code. 
Dim a(  ) As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Dim b As Integer
Dim e As Object = a.GetEnumerator(  )
Do While CType(e.GetType(  ).InvokeMember("MoveNext", _
   Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, e, Nothing), Boolean)
   b = CType(e.GetType(  ).InvokeMember("Current", _
      Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, e, Nothing), Integer)    Console.WriteLine(b)

Mathematical Functions
Mathematical functions are provided through the Math class (defined in the System namespace).

File and Internet I/O features are provided by the .NET Framework class library and will be briefly touched below. In addition, Visual Basic .NET provides its own class library that includes functions for opening, reading, and closing files. File access and network-protocol programming   


A class is one form of data type. As such, a class can be used in contexts where types are expected— in variable declarations, for example. In object-oriented design, classes are intended to represent the definition of real-world objects, such as customer, order, product, etc. The class is only the definition, not an object itself. An object would be a customer, an order, or a product. A class declaration defines the set of members—fields, properties, methods, and events—that each object of that class possesses. Together, these members define an object's state, as well as its functionality. An object is also referred to as an instance of a class. Creating an object of a certain class is called instantiating an object of the class. 

Example.  A class definition  

Public Class Employee

   Public EmployeeNumber As Integer
   Public FamilyName As String
   Public GivenName As String
   Public DateOfBirth As Date
   Public Salary As Decimal

   Public Function Format(  ) As String
      Return GivenName & " " & FamilyName
   End Function
End Class
The code in Example 2-4 defines a class called Employee. It has five public fields (also known as data members) for storing state, as well as one member function. The class could be used as shown in Example 2-5

Example. Using a class  

Dim emp As New Employee(  )

emp.EmployeeNumber = 10 emp.FamilyName = "Rodriguez" emp.GivenName = "Celia" emp.DateOfBirth = #1/28/1965# emp.Salary = 115000

Console.WriteLine("Employee Name: " & emp.Format(  ))
Console.WriteLine("Employee Number: " & emp.EmployeeNumber)
Console.WriteLine("Date of Birth: " & emp.DateOfBirth.ToString("D", Nothing))
Console.WriteLine("Salary: " & emp.Salary.ToString("C", Nothing))
The resulting output is:
Employee Name: Celia Rodriguez
Employee Number: 10
Date of Birth: Thursday, January 28, 1965 Salary: $115,000.00 

  • Object Instantiation and New

Object instantiation is done using the New keyword. The New keyword is, in effect, a unary operator that takes a type identifier as its operand. The result of the operation is a reference to a newly created object of the given type. Consider the following: 
Imports System.Collections
' ...
Dim ht As Hashtable ht = New Hashtable(  )
The Dim statement declares a variable that is capable of holding a reference to an object of type Hashtable, but it doesn't actually create the object. The code in the line following the Dim statement instantiates an object of type Hashtable and assigns to the variable a reference to the newly created object. As with any other variable declaration, the assignment can be done on the same line as the declaration, as shown here: 
Imports System.Collections
' ...
Dim ht As Hashtable = New Hashtable(  )
Visual Basic .NET permits a typing shortcut that produces the same result: 
Imports System.Collections
' ...
Dim ht As New Hashtable(  ) 

  • Constructors

When a class is instantiated, some initialization often must be performed before the type can be used. To provide such initialization, a class may define a constructor. A constructor is a special kind of method. It is automatically run whenever an object of the class is instantiated. Constructor declarations use the same syntax as regular method declarations, except that in place of a method name, the constructor declaration uses the keyword New. For example: 
Public Class SomeClass
   Public Sub New(  )
      ' Do any necessary initialization of the object here.
   End Sub End Class
To invoke the constructor, a new object must be instantiated:
Dim obj As New SomeClass(  )
Note the parentheses (( )) following the name of the class. Until you get used to it, this method-style syntax following a class name may appear odd. However, the empty parentheses indicate that the class's constructor takes no arguments. 
Constructors can take arguments, if they are necessary for the initialization of the object: 
Public Class SomeClass

   Dim m_value As Integer

   Public Sub New(ByVal InitialValue As Integer)       m_value = InitialValue
   End Sub
End Class
When objects of this class are instantiated, a value must be provided for the constructor's argument: 
Dim obj As New SomeClass(27)
Constructors can be overloaded, if desired. For example:
Public Class SomeClass

   Dim m_value As Integer

   Public Sub New(  )
      m_value = Date.Today.Day ' for example
   End Sub
   Public Sub New(ByVal InitialValue As Integer)       m_value = InitialValue
   End Sub
End Class
The constructor that is called depends on the arguments that are provided when the class is instantiated, as shown here: 
Dim obj1 As New SomeClass(  ) ' calls parameterless constructor
Dim obj2 As New SomeClass(100) ' calls parameterized constructor
Constructors are usually marked Public. However, there are times when it may be desirable to mark a constructor as Protected or Private. Protected access prohibits the class from being instantiated by any class other than a class derived from this class. Private access prohibits the class from being instantiated by any code other than its own. For example, a particular class design might require that the class itself be in control of whether and when instances are created. Example 2-6 shows a class that implements a crude form of object pooling.  

  • Fields

Fields, also known as data members, hold the internal state of an object. Their declarations appear only within class and structure declarations. Field declarations include an access modifier, which determines how visible the field is from code outside the containing class definition. Access modifiers were discussed earlier in this chapter, under Section 2.10
The value stored in a field is specific to a particular object instance. Two instances can have different values in their corresponding fields. For example: 
Dim emp1 As New Employee(  )
Dim emp2 As New Employee(  )

emp1.EmployeeNumber = 10 emp2.EmployeeNumber = 20 ' Doesn't affect emp1.
Sometimes it is desirable to share a single value among all instances of a particular class. Declaring a field using the Shared keyword does this, as shown here: 
Public Class X
   Public Shared a As Integer End Class
Changing the field value through one instance affects what all other instances see. For example: 
Dim q As New X(  )
Dim r As New X(  )

q.a = 10
r.a = 20

Console.WriteLine(q.a) ' Writes 20, not 10.
Shared fields are also accessible through the class name:

  • Handling Events

When a field is of an object type that exposes events, the field's enclosing class may define methods for handling those events. For an explanation of events, see Section 2.20 later in this chapter. 
Here is an example:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class EventHandlingTest

   Private WithEvents m_cn As SqlConnection
   Public Sub MySqlInfoMessageEventHandler( _
      ByVal sender As Object, _
      ByVal e As SqlInfoMessageEventArgs _
   ) Handles m_cn.InfoMessage
      Dim sqle As SqlError
      For Each sqle In e.Errors
   End Sub
   ' ...
End Class
This class has a field, m_cn, that holds a database connection. The field is declared with the
WithEvents keyword, so the class is capable of receiving and handling events raised by the Connection object. In order to handle the Connection object's InfoMessage event, the class defines a method having the appropriate parameter list and a Handles clause: 
Public Sub MySqlInfoMessageEventHandler( _
   ByVal sender As Object, _
   ByVal e As SqlInfoMessageEventArgs _
) Handles m_cn.InfoMessage
This declaration signifies that when the InfoMessage event is raised by the object referenced in m_cn, the MySQLInfoMessageEventHandler method should be called to handle it. The body of the event handler in this case simply outputs the messages received from SQL Server

  • Inheritance

Inheritance is one way to reuse and extend previously written code. A program's design often requires several classes as variations of a common theme. Consider a drawing program that deals with many shapes. Such a program would probably define a class for each kind of shape. However, there would be much in common among such classes, including many of their fields, methods, and events. Inheritance allows these common features to be extracted into a base class from which the various specific shape classes are derived. Example 2-7 shows a base class called Shape, two utility classes used by Shape (Point and Extent), and two classes derived from Shape (Circle and Square).  

  • Methods

Methods are members that contain code. They are either subroutines (which don't have a return value) or functions (which do have a return value). 
Subroutine definitions look like this:
[ method_modifiers ] Sub [ attribute_list ] _
   method_name ( [ parameter_list ] ) [ handles_or_implements ]
[ method_body ] End Sub
Function definitions look like this:
[ method_modifiers ] Function [ attribute_list ] _    method_name ( [ parameter_list ] ) [ As type_name ] _
   [ handles_or_implements ]
[ method_body ] End Function
The elements of method definitions are:
Keywords that affect the accessibility or use of the method. These include the following: 
Access modifiers 
Public, Protected, Friend, Protected Friend, or Private, as described in Table 25. If no access-modifier keyword is given, Public is assumed.  Override modifiers 
Overrides, MustOverride, Overridable, or NotOverridable. See Section
Overloads keyword 
Specifies that this method is an overload. See Section later in this section. 
Shared keyword 
Specifies that this method does not access object state. That means that the method does not access any nonshared members. 
Sub or Function keyword 
Specifies whether this method is a subroutine or a function.
An optional list of attributes to be applied to the method. See Section 2.22 later in this chapter. 
The name of the method.
An optional list of formal parameters for the method. See Section
As   type_name 
For functions only, the data type of the value returned from this function. If Option Strict is off, the As type_name clause is optional; otherwise, it is required. If it is omitted, the function's return type defaults to Object. Subroutine declarations do not have an As type_name clause. 
Either the Handles keyword followed by a list of events from the enclosing class's data members, or the Implements keyword followed by a list of methods from an interface implemented by the enclosing class. See Section 2.20 and Section 2.15 later in this chapter. 
Visual Basic .NET statements.
End Sub or End Function keywords 
Indicates the end of the method definition.

  • Interfaces

It is useful to make a distinction between a class's interface and its implementation. Conceptually, the interface of a class is the set of members that are visible to users of the class—i.e., the class's public members. The public members are thought of as comprising the class's interface because they are the only way that code outside of the class can interact (i.e., interface) with objects of that class. In contrast, the implementation is comprised of the class's code plus the set of members that are not public. 
It is possible to take this interface concept further and separate interface definition from class definition altogether. This has benefits that will be shown shortly. To define an interface, use the Interface statement: 
Public Interface ISomeInterface
   Sub SomeSub(  )
   Function SomeFunction(  ) As Integer
   Property SomeProperty(  ) As String
   Event SomeEvent( _
      ByVal sender As Object, _
      ByVal e As SomeEventArgs _
End Interface
An interface declaration defines methods, properties, and events that will ultimately be implemented by some class or structure definition. Because interfaces never include any implementation, the declarations are headers only—never any implementation code; End Sub, End Function, or End Property statements; or property get or set blocks. There are no access modifiers (Public, Private, etc.) because all members of an interface are public by definition. By convention, interface names start with the letter "I". 
To provide an implementation for a given interface, it is necessary to define a class or structure. For example, the following class implements the interface defined earlier: 
Public Class SomeClass
   ' This indicates that the class implements the methods,    ' properties, and events of the ISomeInterface interface.
   Implements ISomeInterface
   ' This method implements the SomeSub method of the
   ' ISomeInterface interface.
   Private Sub SomeSub(  ) Implements ISomeInterface.SomeSub
      ' ...
   End Sub
   ' This method implements the SomeFunction method of the
   ' ISomeInterface interface.
   Private Function SomeFunction(  ) As Integer _       Implements ISomeInterface.SomeFunction
      ' ...
   End Function
   ' This property implements the SomeProperty property of the
   ' ISomeInterface interface.
   Private Property SomeProperty(  ) As String _
      Implements ISomeInterface.SomeProperty
         ' ...
      End Get
         ' ...
      End Set
   End Property
   ' This event implements the SomeEvent event of the
   ' ISomeInterface interface.
   Private Event SomeEvent( _
      ByVal sender As Object, _
      ByVal e As SomeEventArgs _
   ) Implements ISomeInterface.SomeEvent
End Class
The key elements of this class definition are:
                   The class-declaration header is immediately followed by the Implements statement, indicating that this class will expose the ISomeInterface interface: 
                   Public Class SomeClass
                   ' This indicates that the class implements the methods,
                   ' properties, and events of the ISomeInterface interface.
   Implements ISomeInterface
This information is compiled into the class. Class users can find out whether a given class implements a given interface by attempting to assign the object reference to a variable that has been declared of the interface type, like this: 
Dim obj As Object Dim ifce As ISomeInterface
' ...
' Get an object reference from somewhere.
obj = New SomeClass(  )
' ...
' Try to convert the object reference to a reference of type
' ISomeInterface. If the object implements the ISomeInterface
' interface, the conversion succeeds. If the object doesn't
' implement the ISomeInterface interface, an exception of
' type InvalidCastException (defined in the System namespace)
' is thrown. ifce = CType(obj, ISomeInterface)
       For each method, property, and event in the interface, there is a corresponding method, property, or event in the class that has precisely the same signature and return value. The names don't have to match, although they match in the example. 
       The declaration header for each method, property, and event in the class that implements a corresponding item in the interface must have an implements clause. This is the keyword Implements followed by the qualified name of the interface method, property, or event being implemented. 
Additional things to note about implementing interfaces include:
       The access modifiers in the class-member declarations need not be Public. Note that in the example all the members are marked as Private. This means that the members are accessible only when accessed through the ISomeInterface interface. This will be shown in a moment. 
       The class definition can include members that are not part of the implemented interface. These can be public if desired. This results in a class that effectively has two interfaces: the default interface, which is the set of members defined as Public in the class definition; and the implemented interface, which is the set of members defined in the interface named in the Implements statement. 
       Classes are permitted to implement multiple interfaces.
To access members defined by an interface, declare a variable as that interface type and manipulate the object through that variable. For example: 
Dim x As ISomeInterface = New SomeClass(  )
x.SomeFunction(  )
This code declares x as a reference to an object of type ISomeInterface. That's right: interface definitions define new types. Declared in this way, x can take a reference to any object that implements the ISomeInterface interface and access all the members that ISomeInterface defines, confident that the underlying object can handle such calls. This is a powerful feature of defining and implementing explicit interfaces. Objects that explicitly implement an interface can be used in any context in which that interface is expected; objects that implement multiple interfaces can be used in any context in which any of the interfaces is expected. 
Interface definitions can inherit from other interface definitions in the same way that classes can inherit from other classes. For example: 
Public Interface ISomeNewInterface
   Inherits ISomeInterface
   Sub SomeNewSub(  )
End Interface
This defines a new interface called ISomeNewInterface that has all the members of the ISomeInterface interface plus a new member, called SomeNewSub. Any class or structure that implements the ISomeNewInterface interface must implement all members in both interfaces. Any such class is then considered to implement both interfaces and could be used in any context where either ISomeInterface or ISomeNewInterface is required

  • Structures

Structures define value types. Variables of a value type store an actual value, as opposed to a reference to a value stored elsewhere. Contrast this with classes, which define reference types. Variables of a reference type store a reference (a pointer) to the actual value. See the discussion of value types versus reference types in Section 2.5 earlier in this chapter. Example 2-8 shows a structure definition. 

  • Enumerations

An enumeration is a type whose values are explicitly named by the creator of the type. The .NET Framework and Visual Basic .NET define many enumerations for their and your use. In addition, Visual Basic .NET provides syntax for defining new enumerations. Here is an example: 
Public Enum Rainbow
End Enum
This declaration establishes a new type, called Rainbow. The identifiers listed within the body of the declaration become constant values that may be assigned to variables of the Rainbow type. Here is a declaration of a variable of type Rainbow and an initial assignment to it: 
Dim myRainbow As Rainbow = Rainbow.Blue
Note that the value name is qualified by the type name.
Enumerations are value types that implicitly inherit from the .NET Framework's System.Enum type (which in turn inherits from System.ValueType). That means that every enumeration has access to the members defined by System.Enum. One such member is the ToString method, which returns a string containing the name of the value. This is handy for printing: 
Dim myRainbow As Rainbow = Rainbow.Blue
Console.WriteLine("The value of myRainbow is: " & myRainbow.ToString(  ))
This code results in the following output:
The value of myRainbow is: Blue
The values of an enumeration are considered as ordered. Thus, comparisons are permitted between variables of the enumeration type: 
Dim myRainbow As Rainbow Dim yourRainbow As Rainbow
' ...
If myRainbow < yourRainbow Then
   ' ... End If
Variables of an enumeration type can be used as indexes in For...Next statements. For example: 
For myRainbow = Rainbow.Red To Rainbow.Violet
   ' ...
Internally, Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Framework use values of type Integer to represent the values of the enumeration. The compiler starts with 0 and assigns increasing Integer values to each name in the enumeration. It is sometimes useful to override the default Integer values that are assigned to each name. This is done by adding an initializer to each enumeration constant. For example: 
Public Enum MyLegacyErrorCodes
   NoError = 0
   FileNotFound = -1000
   OutOfMemory = -1001
   InvalidEntry = -2000 End Enum
It is also possible to specify the type of the underlying value. For example: 
Public Enum Rainbow As Byte
End Enum
This could be an important space-saving measure if many values of the enumeration will be stored somewhere. The only types that can be specified for an enumeration are Byte, Short, Integer, and Long. 
Sometimes enumerations are used as flags, with the idea that multiple flags can be combined in a single value. Such an enumeration can be defined by using the Flags attribute. (Attributes are discussed later in this chapter.) Here is an example: 
<Flags(  )> Public Enum Rainbow
   Red = 1
   Orange = 2
   Yellow = 4
   Green = 8
   Blue = 16
   Indigo = 32
   Violet = 64 End Enum
Note two important things in this definition:
       The first line of the definition starts with <Flags( )>. This indicates that values of this type can be composed of multiple items from the enumeration. 
       The items in the enumeration have values that are powers of two. This ensures that each combination of items has a unique sum. For example, the combination of Yellow, Blue, and Violet has a sum of 84, which can't be attained with any other combination of items. 
Individual values are combined using the Or operator. 
The ToString method is smart enough to sort out the value names when creating a string representation of the value. For example, given the previous assignment, consider the following call to the ToString method: 
Console.WriteLine(myRainbow.ToString(  ))
This statement produces the following output:
Green, Blue 

  • Exceptions

Sometimes errors or exceptional conditions prohibit a program from continuing its current activity. A classic example is division by zero: 
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 1 \ x
When the process hits the line containing the integer division, an exception occurs. An exception is any occurrence that is not considered part of normal, expected program flow. The runtime detects, or catches, this exception and takes appropriate action, generally resulting in termination of the offending program.

Visual Basic .NET programs can and should be written to catch exceptions themselves. This is done by wrapping potentially dangerous code in Try...End Try blocks. shows how to catch the divide-by-zero exception.

  • Delegates

A delegate is a programmer-defined type that abstracts the ability to call a method. A delegate-type declaration includes the declaration of the signature and return type that the delegate encapsulates. Instances of the delegate type can then wrap any method that exposes the same signature and return type, regardless of the class on which the method is defined and whether the method is an instance method or shared method of the defining class. The method thus wrapped can be invoked through the delegate object. The delegate mechanism provides polymorphism for methods having the same signature and return type. 
Delegates are often used to implement callback mechanisms. Imagine a class that will be used by a program you are writing. This class provides some useful functionality, including the ability to call in to a method that you must implement within your program. Perhaps this callback mechanism is provided to feed your program data as it becomes available in the class you are using. One way to achieve this capability is through the use of delegates. Here's how: 
1.     The writer of the class you're using (call it a server class) declares a public delegate type that defines the signature and return value of the method that you will implement. 
2.     The writer of the server class exposes a method for clients of the class to pass in an instance of the delegate type. 
3.     You implement a method having the appropriate signature and return value. 
4.     You instantiate a new object of the delegate type.
5.     You connect your method to your delegate instance.
6.     You call the method defined in Step 2, passing in your delegate instance. 
7.     The server class now has a delegate instance that wraps your method. The class can call your method through the delegate at any time. 
8.     Depending on the application, it might be appropriate for the writer of the server class to provide a method that allows the client application to disconnect its delegate from the server to stop receiving callbacks.  


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